We offer snow clearing services on Municipal roads in Arran-Elderslie during the winter months to ensure the safety of our residents. Our crews make every effort to clear roads and sidewalks quickly and effectively. We maintain 405 km of roads and 10 km of sidewalks with Municipal winter control activities, so your patience is appreciated.
Click here for Winter Control - What do I need to know?
Winter Storm Response
During periods of heavy snowfall, our Road Patrol Personnel assesses the rate of snow and deploys snowplows in priority order.
In the event of overnight snow, we usually deploy snowplows and sidewalk plows at 3:00 am to prepare roads and sidewalks for motorists' and pedestrians' safe travel in the morning. We also deploy large trucks to haul snow away from roadways with the plows. We work early when traffic levels are low and conditions are safest for us to work. Safety is our primary concern.
Significant Weather Event
The Municipality of Arran-Elderslie may declare a 'significant weather event' when the weather conditions or the weather forecast meet certain criteria. The Municipality will notify the public on our website and social media. In these situations, the Municipality is notifying the public that it may not have the ability to meet the maintenance standards during the event. For additional information on the declaration of significant weather events, view Ontario Regulation 336/18 or our Arran-Elderslie Significant Weather Event Policy.
Winter Sidewalk Maintenance
The Municipality determines the sections of sidewalks that will be sanded, salted and plowed by Public Works department staff based on our target levels of service.
After Hours Road Emergencies
Please call the Municipal Office and select After Hours Roads Emergencies on our phone system. You will be transferred to the appropriate contact.