The Municipality of Arran-Elderslie is committed to being open, accessible and transparent in dealing with members of the public and organizations and welcomes and encourages public input. A delegation is an opportunity to put forward the public’s concerns and or ideas for Council’s consideration.
If you would like to come to a Council meeting as a delegation, you must contact the Clerk or fill out the Delegation Request Form fourteen (14) days before the scheduled Council meeting. A written and/or electronic request to appear as a delegation, noting the subject matter, must be submitted not later than 12 p.m. (noon) at least twelve (12) days preceding the Council meeting. All materials to be presented to Council must be included with the original request.
Personal information submitted to Council and its Committee becomes part of the public record and will be made available through the agenda process which includes publication on the Municipality's website.
Council meetings are live streamed and the recording is available on the website following the meeting.
When presenting, delegates should address the Chair and state their name and who they represent.
Delegates should address Council by prefacing their surname with Mayor or Councillor, for example, Mayor Smith, Councillor Smith etc.
The public are welcome to attend meetings of council as audience members. Audience members should refrain from any activity or behavior that would affect Council deliberations and shall not:
- Address Council or committee/board without permission
- Bring signage, placards or banners into meetings
- Interfere with the conduct of the Council or committee/board meeting in any way
- Speak disrespectfully of any member of Federal or Provincial parliaments, Council or any official or employee of Arran-Elderslie
- Use offensive words or un-parliamentary language
- Disobey the rules of Council or a decision of the Chair or of Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of Council
Enter into cross debate with the Presiding Officer, members of Council, other delegations or staff
Appear before Council for the sole purpose of generating publicity or personal attacks
Electronic devices are permitted in Council chambers during open sessions of a meeting only, provided that they are turned to silent or vibrate during the meeting and are not used to record any aspect of the Council or committee/board meeting, unless the Clerk has given consent prior to the meeting. Should the recording interfere with the proceedings of the Council or committee/board meeting, the recording privileges may be withdrawn. The ruling of the Chair shall be final unless by appeal to the Council which shall decide on the question without debate
Click here to review the full Delegation to Council Procedure.