Updated Safety Plan for Arran-Elderslie Municipal Facilities
December 21, 2021
The Municipality of Arran-Elderslie has updated its COVID-19 Safety Plan for municipal facilities. Changes are a result of the provincial announcement on Friday December 17, 2021 regarding Ontario Regulation 364/20. Notable changes within the Safety Plan include:
Ice Rentals
- Dressing room capacity is limited to 10 people per room.
- Participants are encouraged to come to the facility as dressed as possible to limit the amount of time in the facility, especially dressing rooms.
- Dressing room time is limited to 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after a rental.
- It is highly recommended that ice bookings only have 20 skaters. If teams have more than this, players will have to wait for space in the dressing rooms or use chairs provided outside of the room.
- It is highly recommended that only one parent per participant attend a rental.
- All patrons must wear a mask at all times in the facility. Masks can only be removed once participants are on the ice, unless otherwise specified by the league or governing body.
- Social distancing is required on the bench and as much as possible during on ice activities.
- No outside food or drink is permitted, except bottled water
For Hall rentals:
- Meeting capacity is capped at 50 percent of the room size.
- Capacity limits to not apply to weddings, funerals, religious service, rite or ceremony, however this exception only applies to the event itself and not the social activities surrounding the event.
- Patrons are limited to 10 people per table and are not permitted to leave their seat unless to leave, use the washroom or an emergency.
- No food or drink is allowed, except bottled water.
- If the rental is deemed a social gathering, the number of people attending cannot exceed 10.
The full Safety Plan can be viewed at arran-elderslie.ca. For specific information related to capacity, please contact municipal staff.
For information, please contact:
Sylvia Kirkwood, CAO
Municipality of Arran-Elderslie
519-363-3039 Ext 118